3rd Bi-annual Gathering of Retired Caribbean Nurses

Retired Caribbean Nurses’ Association (Bedford)
3rd bi-annual Gathering of Retired Caribbean Nurses
When: Tuesday 10 March 2020
Tickets @ £20.00
Student £5.00
Payment by BACS, Cheque, Postal Order to Retired Caribbean Nurses’ Association (Bedford)
Post to: Retired Caribbean Nurses Association, 43 Bromham Road, Bedford, Beds., MK40 2AA
Refreshments throughout the Day + Caribbean Lunch
Refreshments from: 10.00.a.m.
Doors Open From: 10.00 am Gathering Starts: 10.30 am
Gathering Ends: 3.30 pm
Venue: Trinity Arts & Leisure Centre (Nr. Bedford Sixth Form College) Bromham Road, Bedford, Beds., MK40 2BS
For more information
Mobile: 07532 152 528 Landline: 01234 291 777
Email: rcna.bedford@gmail.com
Advanced Booking Essential
Do join us at our 3rd bi-annual Gathering of Retired Caribbean Nurses Tuesday 10 March 2020 10.30 am 3.30 pm
All Donations Welcomed