Volunteers Involvements

Fun, Contributions, Achievements and making history

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Caribbean Nurses in the (post-war) NHS

An Oral History Project

A Call for ALL Volunteers

Caribbean Nurses in the (post-War) NHS is an exciting new Heritage Lottery funded project to collect the stories of retired Caribbean nurses from 1949 to the present. It will form an exhibition and a collection to be archived at the London Metropolitan Archives.

Would you like to volunteer to record these stories and inform a new display at Hackney Museum?  Would you like to write press releases, to facilitate group discussions, to take photographs or to help design the exhibition?  Many volunteer roles are available and you can be involved at any stage of the project.  Everyone is welcome to participate.   If you’re interested in history, want to learn some new skills, and enjoy talking and listening to people tell their stories, we want to hear from you!  If you think you are not interested in history, but a part of this project calls to you, come and be surprised!!

To express an interest in volunteering or if you know someone who is a retired Caribbean nurse (female or male) who is wants to take part, do contact us:-

email address: enquiries@blackwomenart.org.uk

address:  Black Women in the Arts, 62 Beechwood Road, Hackney, London.  E8 3DY

Telephone:  020 7923 7658 (office)


Black Women in the Arts were aware, that the success of the Retired Caribbean Nurses & the NHS project would hinge on the involvements of volunteers.  Volunteers who would support the organisation to deliver this project through: oral history  interviewers, transcribers, event stewards, graphic designers, teachers and more.

The organisation, had some existing volunteers on its’s book that would from time to time come out when required to support different event.  We would call upon these volunteers to help with this project.  But we also knew that the majority of volunteers would have to come through  the recruitment process we introduced for this project.

Opportunities  to Volunteer on a Ground Breaking Project

Recruitment  of volunteers began as soon as it was confirmed that Black Women in the Arts had received the funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  We began this process by contacting our own networks.  You know the thing databases, volunteers who had help the organisations in the past, checked with nurses those who were not willing to be interviewed would they be interested in another aspect of the project.  Contacted our partners, checked with organisations that had previously sourced volunteers for Black Women in the Arts.

One of the main elements of our application the number of volunteers  we RWe quickly became very busy managing all the different tasks of the project  carried out a range of rious means, we had to get the message out there, that we were enrolling volunteers.  Recruitment was happening now , to get everyone ready for training  in in Autumn 2013 early 2014.

Training and volunteers one of the main elements of the project that would support the success of the project.